“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker As we embark on a new … read more
By: Joven Aniñon
It was still surreal to think that we had the chance to have a casual conversation and a short interaction with the senior leaders, spearheaded by Mr. Anthony “Silver” Cepeda, our dear CSO. On the very night of March 7, 2024, preconceived thoughts and feelings were truly given conclusions. Each one of us was truly spooked upon hearing that we were invited to grab some lunch with our CSO, and we felt baffled because the question of “why” was left unanswered. Although we don’t have any knowledge of how lunch will unfold, we are still eager to anticipate that it’s time for us to know.
Emotions were mixed and high as the night started to write a new experience. Our knees were trembling knowing that we were sitting in front of and beside our senior leaders, and even more in front of our very own boss, Silver. We’re struggling to compose our thoughts as a response when thrown with questions, as we’re afraid to hit a rock. However, as each minute passed by, we started to feel at ease and somehow became responsive, as we’re gradually figuring out that they’re not the same as who they are inside and outside the company, especially our CSO. Things started to alter as we perceived our leaders. Moreover, everyone of us felt over the moon and was able to savour the free lunch, great company, and the unforgettable experience. It was one of the best experiences that we will hold onto forever.
Thank you Boss Silver for such a memorable experience. Truly CTNP knows how to value and show importance to their employees.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker As we embark on a new … read more
As businesses navigate the complexities of the modern global economy, outsourcing has become an essential strategy for driving growth, improving … read more
In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries and reshaping how businesses operate. While AI offers unparalleled … read more