Covid-19 Preventive Measures

How it started …

Last March 10, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has considered and declared the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) a health event as a pandemic. In response to this and in support of President Duterte’s Presidential Proclamation No. 922, Cebu tele-net Philippines Corporation and its leadership team will be implementing some mitigating measures to manage the spread of this dreaded disease.


What We Do

Frequently cleaning and disinfecting of all hard surfaces. The company is making sure that all peripherals / hardware device is sanitized three times a day.

The company has purchased additional supplies of alcohol; antibacterial cleaning and disinfecting solutions.

The company regularly updates all the employees regarding the evolving situation by posting news and updates within the company and through the common chat group.

Huddles / meetings in larger meeting areas or the production area are advised. Social distancing is encouraged.

The employee is advised to wear masks when they go outside and needs to have their temperature checked before entering the vicinity. In addition, the front desk officer will need to spray alcohol / sanitizer on an employee before they enter.

BCP – Business Continuity Plans are prepared. Work at home option will be implemented if the need arises.

We Strive To Prevent The Spread!

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Temperature Check

Temperature is always checked upon entering the building.

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Hand Sanitizing

Hands are always sanitized upon entering the office.

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Workspaces are always disinfected as much as possible.


We also encourage everyone to practice proper hygiene. Have oneself checked/seek medical advice if in case symptoms such as but not limited to fever, runny nose, cough or shortness of breath is experienced.

Our Japanese quality operation will continue to support us on our urge to prevent COVID-19 from spreading and will continue to monitor the outbreak, ready to provide assistance if needed.

As one, we can help fight this pandemic. Stay safe everyone!